
Welcome to Owls 'Class at Princetown Community Primary School.

The adults in the class are:
Mrs Church Class Teacher
Mrs Rickman Learning Support Assistant and PPA cover Wednesday afternoons
Miss Hodge Learning Support Assistant 
Mrs Kelly Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Killingbeck Learning Support Assistant
Mrs Harris Learning Support Assistant

In Owls' Class we enjoy learning through playing, exploring, investigating and asking questions. Sometimes we learn in pairs, as groups or as a whole class. We see the environment for learning, as being within our school building, but also within our school grounds, Princetown local area and beyond. We know that children learn in all weathers, and with the opportunity to put on a pair of wellies and appropriate clothing, the children in our setting enjoy the experience of the outdoors. We want learning in Owls Class to be exciting, engaging and above all lots of fun.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff.

Our topic this half term is 'Princely Princetown'.
Our topic for Spring term second half is Truly Terrific Transport.  
Here are some photos from our trip to the Fire Station. 

Our school learning dispositions

Behaviour policy (Rewards and Sanctions) Parent Versions

Key Stage 1 Curriculum Rolling Programme

Parent Leaflet Year Group Non-negotiable Expectations

KS1 Grammar and Punctuation Glossaries

'What does Owls' Class think about Princetown Community Primary School?' - Pupil Survey analysis and response

Here are some websites that you might find useful: