PTFA Information

Welcome to your Parent, Teacher and Friends Association page. As a parent or carer for a child at Princetown Community Primary School, you are automatically part of the PTFA, so congratulations on your enrolment to the team!

The PTFA meets every month or two to discuss ways that we can give the children in the school an “added value” experience. We raise money to do this through organising events, such as coffee mornings or fairs, and building links with community groups. We try to put on a fund-raising event once every term to bring in the finances to provide opportunities for the children to have new and varied experiences.

We seek to make a difference in the school in physical and social ways. We have funded the purchase of a set of sports kits, so that children involved in inter-school competitions can proudly wear Princetown School colours when they represent the school. We also raised sufficient funds to enable the entire school to go to see a pantomime at Plymouth Theatre Royal.

Through these and other plans, we hope that the children who attend Princetown Primary will leave the school with lots of happy memories, and more experiences than perhaps they would otherwise have had. We believe that this will help to add to their confidence and self-belief, and set them up for a great future.

If you would like to learn more about what we do, and how you might be able to help in the work of the PTFA, please speak to Mrs Scawn in the School office (contact details also on the “Contact Us” tab of the website).
Welcome to the PTFA information page. 
As parents/carers of children in the school you are automatically members of the PTFA, However you may chose to become an active part of this group or just enjoy the events we put on. 
Should you wish to join the committee you will be made very welcome. Just email Phil or myself and we will let you know what is involved. Our contact email is on the contact page.
Sheila Manning
PTFA committee consists of:
Phil Griffin - Chair
Sheila Manning - Secretary
Jayne Menzies - Treasurer
Emma Byrom
Emma Burchell
Sam Piper
Dale Smith
Lauren Wootton