
A warm welcome into Buzzards' Class

Our aim in Buzzards' Class is for your child in our care, to experience an education that is enjoyable, creative and successful. Your child will engage in a number of different learning projects, that they will experience through enrichments and hands on experiences. We see the environment for learning, as being within our school building, but also within our school site, Dartmoor and beyond.

We aim for your child to be prepared to give things a go. To understand that sometimes things will be hard and in order to learn we sometimes get things wrong; whatever their short or long term aspirations may be, they have the resilience and tenacity to achieve them.

We don't know the future jobs your child will take on and lead, but we endeavour to provide an experience that will teach them the skills to take into their future lives.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the team.

The adults in this class are:
Miss Taverner - class teacher
Miss Byrom - Head of School and part time teacher
Miss Hodge - teaching assistant
The children enjoyed taking part in a second 'Visible Learning' challenge day, which was themed around the story of the gingerbread man.  They had to use their learning powers such as planning, questioning, reasoning and working as a team to solve the tasks. 

Our 'Birds of Learning' (Learning Dispositions)

Parent Leaflet: Non-Negotiables

KS2 Grammar and Punctuation Glossaries