
KS1 Children:

Before learning to read, pupils start to take home books without words, to share and talk about with parents/carers.  In addition they are able to take books with repetitive language patterns, so that they can practise pointing to words and using picture cues to predict what the text says.

After securing their first sounds the children start to take home books with decodeable text. 

In school the children read with a partner or in a group on a daily basis, to practise their reading skills. In reading lessons they read texts, powerpoints and flash cards.  They practise reading flashcards with tricky key words, easily decodeable words, to gain fluency through rapid recall, nonsense words and words using the phoneme they are learning that lesson. Reading nonsense words helps children apply their developing phonics recognition skills.

The children follow the Read Write Inc progression of reading books and supplement this with books from the banded book stock and the RWI Bookbag Books.

KS1 and KS2

The children read in guided reading groups. They read across a range of text types and use the reciprocal reading approach for book discussion and analysis.  This approach teaches the children comprehension strategies such as predicting, summarizing, clarify the meaning of vocabulary and understanding ideas that are inferred or hinted at such as emotions.  The children also complete separate comprehension activities and DARTs (Directed Activities Related to Texts) to help them develop their comprehension skills. 

Children stay on the Read Write Inc phonics programme until they have completed it. Then they start reading library books and use the Accelerated Reader programme.  This is a computer based programme which assesses pupils’ comprehension levels through an on screen test and then suggests a book reading level for pupils.  The pupils then select and read an appropriate level book and undertake a computerised comprehension test to demonstrate their understanding of the text.

Reading is promoted through certificates and rewards in assembly.  We aim to promote a life long love of reading and read classic texts to the children to share these childhood favourites.