Curriculum Introduction

Vision and Ethos


Inspiring lifelong learners in our community


We are proud to be a community school in the heart of Dartmoor using our privileged location to support our learning. We encourage children to take an active role in and love where they live through our established links with businesses and community leaders.


We enable our children to do this by hosting community events, opening our school for special events and ensuring our curriculum teaches them about local history and how they can ensure our village continues to flourish.


We are committed to developing the whole child with a focus on children’s individual needs to ensure that every child reaches their full potential through our knowledge and skills curriculum and we ensure our provision looks after children’s mental health. We aim to ensure that each child feels valued, important and cared for which enhances the children’s drive to learn and be successful.


Our school has a wonderful family feel to it and we strive to ensure every member of our school enjoys being here. Our vision for the school and the children in it is to develop lifelong learners; to develop curious minds that ask questions and dig beneath the surface to find out more; to encourage children and adults to have high expectations of themselves and their peers. We are proud to provide many opportunities for children to grow and learn through learning in class; forest school; trips; extra-curricular clubs; and so much more.


Curriculum Intent

The curriculum we have developed, follows what is set out in the National Curriculum and it is also personalised to the children in our community. Our curriculum is well mapped out over a rolling programme and it ensures that children are building on prior learning regardless of what year they are in. Our themes for each half term have been carefully selected to ensure our learners gain a deeper understanding of the world and how they fit within it.


We strive to ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced which allows children to discover their interests. We want to ensure pupils are inspired to learn by making their learning meaningful and relevant. We want children to leave primary school with a wide range of knowledge which will allow them to have a range of opportunities as they progress through their education and into adulthood. Opportunities to apply English and Maths to other topics allows the children to develop these skills further. We proudly promote British Values and SMSC development across all our subjects and ensure that children learn how to keep safe, happy and make a positive contribution to the wider world.


Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum is implemented in various ways and through diverse opportunities which extend beyond the classroom. In class children have opportunities to learn through teacher led lessons, own research and investigations and through their peers. Outside of the classroom, the curriculum is enhanced through: clubs, forest school, school visits and visitors, community projects.


Curriculum Impact


Evidence of impact can be seen in:

 Data analysis

 Pupil conference

 Book scrutiny

 Learning walks

 Lesson drop ins

 External Monitoring

 Photographic evidence

 Floor books


Throughout each year group and across the curriculum, including in English and mathematics, current pupils make sustained progress, developing excellent knowledge, understanding and skills, considering their different starting points.

The progress across the curriculum of disadvantaged pupils and pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities currently on roll is improving towards that of other pupils with the same starting points.

Pupil conferencing - the significant majority of pupils enjoy being at school and enjoy their learning.

All pupils are challenged within their learning in all lessons.

Pupils effectively apply their learning across a range of subjects.

All pupils can read and can articulate their learning – what they are good at and what their next steps are.

Pupils understand the importance of daily activity in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Pupils can articulate their understanding of the school’s vision and ethos.

Pupils develop spirituality within the context of their daily lives and within school demonstrated. 

Pupils understanding of their heritage and place within the community is growing through the events planned.